My blog,, was intended to be a digital public version of a “commonplace book” of the sort that was found useful by enlightenment figures such as John Milton and John Locke. A commonplace book is a combination of a notebook and a scrapbook, where you record eloquent quotes, funny jokes, inchoate musings, and anything else you do not want to lose or forget.
In my blog I often record evidence or arguments related to my book Openness to Creative Destruction. Many of the entries were the digital note cards that, after being re-arranged and edited, became the supporting material for the book. Many of the note cards did not directly enter the book, but still are relevant as supporting evidence or arguments.
From about April 11 – 19, 2019, the blog underwent a transition from the Movable Type platform to the WordPress platform. Legacy Movable Type entries, and especially entries during and shortly after the transition, have a somewhat different format than subsequent WordPress entries. I only know how to fix this on a one-by-one basis, and I do not have time to do that, so the inconsistency will persist.
There were short-term costs for me in learning the WordPress platform, but I think blog readers have seen more benefits than costs–in particular, the new version is more secure and more mobile-friendly.
My content and development “staff” on the blog consists of me. But for accomplishing the transition I am grateful to the good people at LivingDot Technical Support including Gabe, Rachel, Kenny, Leo, and Samuel. Aaron Brown has long been great at reading the blog every day, and letting me know about errors as soon as he sees them. (His reward for doing this is that we send his family a Christmas card once a year.)