Authentic Entrepreneurs See a Problem They Want to Solve

(p. 2) It seems like so many people want to be entrepreneurs these days.
Authentic entrepreneurs are often what I call accidental entrepreneurs. It’s not their aspiration to be on the cover of a magazine. They see a problem in the world and they want to solve it, and entrepreneurship is just a way to get there.
The ones who show up and say, “I want to be an entrepreneur. What do I do first? Give me the to-do list,” that’s not authentic entrepreneurship.
I do think entrepreneurship can be taught, but there is no playbook. The people who are doing it to get rich and be famous are there for the wrong reasons. There’s no harder way to get rich than to be an entrepreneur.

For the full interview, see:
ADAM BRYANT, interviewer. “Corner Office; Humility Is the Mother of Invention.” The New York Times, SundayBusiness Section (Sun., NOV. 20, 2016): 2.
(Note: bold in original. The bold is interviewer Adam Bryant. The non-bold is interviewee Jodi Goldstein, the Managing Director of Harvard Innovation Labs.)
(Note: the online version of the interview has the date NOV. 18, 2016, and has the title “Corner Office; Jodi Goldstein of Harvard Innovation Labs: Humility Is the Mother of Invention.”)

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