Healthcare Innovations Can Be Effective AND Cheap

Many are resigned to accept our current mess of a healthcare system because they fear that if the system was changed into a fully free market system they would not be able to afford anything approaching their current level of healthcare. But they do not understand what would change. If patients paid for their own healthcare there would be competition to provide cheaper healthcare services to the many. Henry Ford got rich finding ways to make cars better and cheaper. Bill Gates got rich mainly by making adequate operating systems cheaper.

If we made healthcare a free market, then healthcare would find its Henry Ford and Bill Gates. If patients directly paid for healthcare, then healtcare services would be more consumer oriented–for instance the value of patients’ time would be respected. Medical entrepreneurs would compete to bring us more cures and cheaper cures.

The problem is not that we are “fixated on profits” as is suggested in the last paragraph quoted below. The problem is that our non-market healthcare system creates perverse incentives and perverse regulatory constraints, so that simple frugal innovations are not rewarded.

[Below I first quote a few passages from The New York Times obituary of Cash, and then from The Wall Street Journal obituary of Cash.]

(p. A21) Richard A. Cash, who as a young public-health researcher in South Asia in the late 1960s showed that a simple cocktail of salt, sugar and clean water could check the ravages of cholera and other diarrhea-inducing diseases, an innovation that has saved an estimated 50 million lives, died on Oct. 22 at his home in Cambridge, Mass. He was 83.

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Dr. Cash, the son of a doctor, arrived in East Pakistan, today Bangladesh, in 1967 as part of a project through the U.S. Public Health Service. There he worked with another young American doctor, David Nalin, to respond to a cholera outbreak outside the capital, Dhaka.

The two had already been researching a simple oral rehydration therapy and knew of other, previous efforts, all of which had failed. But they believed that the therapy held promise, especially in the face of mounting deaths.

They realized that a main problem was volume: Past efforts had resulted in too little or too much hydration. Dr. Cash and Dr. Nalin conceived a trial in which they carefully measured the amount of liquid lost and replaced it with the same amount, mixed with salt and sugar to facilitate absorption.

They divided 29 patients into three groups, with one group receiving an IV drip, another an oral treatment through a tube, and the third an oral treatment by drinking from a cup.

Other doctors and nurses found their experiment bizarre and tried to stop them. But Dr. Cash and Dr. Nalin persisted, splitting the work between them in two 12-hour shifts, to ensure the integrity of the trial.

The results were definitive: Only three of the tubed patients — and only two who drank the solution — needed additional IV treatment.

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“We’re enamored by high technology,” he said at the Council on Foreign Relations. “And we’re not in love with low-tech. Low-tech is always seen in our eyes as second-class. Why would you do this, when you could do that? And I would argue just the opposite.”

For the full obituary from The New York Times that is quoted above, see:

Clay Risen. “Richard A. Cash, 83, Who Saved Millions From Dehydration, Dies.” The New York Times (Monday, November 4, 2024): A21.

(Note: ellipses added.)

(Note: the online version of the obituary has the date Nov. 2, 2024, and has the title “Richard A. Cash, Who Saved Millions From Dehydration, Dies at 83.”)

(p. C6) Half a liter of water, plus a pinch of salt and a fistful of sugar. As scientific insights go, it can’t compare to the intricate equations developed to split the atom or map the planets’ paths. But its simplicity was crucial to its monumental impact.

That simple solution—the cornerstone of Oral Rehydration Therapy, or ORT—has proved extraordinary in staving off and reversing the devastating consequences of dehydration caused by cholera and other diarrheal diseases, saving tens of millions of lives since its development nearly six decades ago. In 1978, an editorial in the Lancet called ORT “potentially the most important medical advance of the century.”

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Cash saw this ethos of simplicity and accessibility as instructive for a western medical system that’s infatuated with high-tech solutions, dismissive of low-tech ones and fixated on profits—and where, consequently, an overnight stay in the hospital for dehydration can result in a four-figure bill. “A solution that can’t be applied,” he told Harvard Magazine, “is really no solution at all.”

For the full obituary from The Wall Street Journal that is quoted immediately above, see:

Jon Mooallem. “A Doctor Whose Simple Treatment Prevented Millions Of Cholera Deaths.” The Wall Street Journal (Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024): C6.

(Note: ellipsis added.)

(Note: the online version of the obituary has the date November 7, 2024, and has the title “Richard Cash, Whose Rehydration Therapy Saved Millions of Lives, Dies at 83.”)

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