World Bank Fights Fraud in Antipoverty Projects

The World Bank president, Paul D. Wolfowitz, laid out a broad strategy yesterday to help developing countries combat rampant corruption, as well as to halt fraud in antipoverty projects supported by billions of dollars in World Bank money.
In a speech in Jakarta, Indonesia, Mr. Wolfowitz described for the first time his plans to make fighting corruption a pervasive issue in the bank’s operations. The new efforts will range from intensified monitoring of projects in the field to an increased focus on reforming institutions that can hold governments accountable.
Mr. Wolfowitz also seems to be trying to change the culture of the bank. In remarks after the speech, he said he wanted bank managers to understand that they would be rewarded “as much for saying no to a bad loan as for getting a good one out the door.”

For the full story, see:
CELIA W. DUGGER. “World Bank Chief Outlines a War on Fraud.” The New York Times (Weds., April 12, 2006): A7.

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