Conservatives Still Read Books, Despite Book Industry Slump

(p. B1) Of all the headaches of her current book tour — the declining sales, the constant travel, the interviews that generated unkind headlines about her family’s wealth — this one may sting Hillary Rodham Clinton the most: Her memoir, “Hard Choices,” has just been toppled from its spot on the best-seller list by a sensational Clinton account by her longtime antagonist Edward Klein.
. . .
. . . : the conservative book-buying public, . . . has continued to generate sales despite the industry’s overall slump, . . .

For the full story, see:
AMY CHOZICK and ALEXANDRA ALTER. “A Provocateur’s Book on Clinton Overtakes Her Memoir in Sales.” The New York Times (Fri., July 11, 2014): B1 & B6.
(Note: ellipses added.)
(Note: the online version of the article has the date JULY 10, 2014, and has the title “A Provocateur’s Book on Hillary Clinton Overtakes Her Memoir in Sales.”)

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