Chelsea on Clinton Foundation in Haiti: “The Incompetence Is Mind Numbing”

(p. B1) Chelsea Clinton was alarmed.
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As Ms. Clinton asserted herself at the Clinton Foundation, eager to embrace her role as a board member and de facto heir, she became concerned about what seemed to her to be a lack of professionalism, as well as a blurring of the lines between the foundation’s philanthropic activities and some of its leaders’ business interests.
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Even when emailing with her parents, Ms. Clinton was not shy about delivering blistering criticism, as when she wrote to them after a trip to Haiti, which the foundation was trying to help rebuild after the devastating 2010 earthquake. “To say I was profoundly disturbed by what I saw — and didn’t see — would be an understatement,” Ms. Clinton wrote to her mother. “The incompetence is mind numbing.”

For the full story, see:
AMY CHOZICK. “CAMPAIGN MEMO; Hacked Emails Reveal Image of Chelsea Clinton.” The New York Times (Fri., OCT. 28, 2016): A17.
(Note: the online version of the story has the date OCT. 27, 2016, and has the title “CAMPAIGN MEMO; Chelsea Clinton’s Frustrations and Devotion Shown in Hacked Emails.”)

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