Fingarette Provoked Thought on Alcohol and Death

When I was a graduate student in the late 1970s I attended a small seminar in Santa Barbara presented by Henry Fingarette on his thoughts on alcoholism. I do not know if I agree with those thoughts, or his thoughts on death, mentioned in the obituary quoted below. But I enjoyed his non-politically-correct seminar and still find his thoughts on both topics to be worth pondering. [I participated in the seminar as part of a month or two residency in Santa Barbara organized by the philosopher Tibor Machan and funded by the Reason Foundation. Other participants included David Levy, Doug Rasmussen, and Doug Den Uyl. Gary Becker told me that it was a mistake for me to attend; he said those weeks would be better spent staying in Chicago and improving my math skills. Becker’s advice was sincere and well-intentioned, but even now I am conflicted on whether I should have followed his advice.]

(p. 26) Herbert Fingarette, a contrarian philosopher who, while plumbing the perplexities of personal responsibility, defined heavy drinking as willful behavior rather than as a potential disease, died on Nov. 2 at his home in Berkeley, Calif. He was 97.

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In “Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease” (1988), Professor Fingarette all but accused the treatment industry of conspiring to profit from the conventional theory that alcoholism is a disease. He maintained that heavy use of alcohol is a “way of life,” that many heavy drinkers can choose to reduce their drinking to moderate levels, and that most definitions of the word “alcoholic” are phony.

“Some people can drink very heavily and get into no trouble whatsoever,” he told The New York Times in 1989.

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At his death, he was completing an essay on how the dead continue to shape the lives of the living, a topic he had written about in “Death: Philosophical Soundings” (1996). . . .

“Never in my life will I experience death,” he wrote. “I will never know an end to my life, this life of mine right here on earth.” He added: “People hope never to know the end of consciousness. But why merely hope? It’s a certainty. They never will!”

For the full obituary, see:

Sam Roberts. “Herbert Fingarette, 97, Contrarian on Alcoholism.” The New York Times, First Section (Sunday, November 18, 2018 [sic]): 26.

(Note: ellipses added.)

(Note: the online version of the obituary has the date Nov. 15, 2018 [sic], and has the title “Herbert Fingarette, Contrarian Philosopher on Alcoholism, Dies at 97.”)

Fingarette’s book on alcoholism, mentioned above, is:

Fingarette, Herbert. Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1989.

Fingarette’s book on death, mentioned above, is:

Fingarette, Herbert. Death: Philosophical Soundings. Chicago: Open Court, 1999.

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