Start-Ups Succeed When They Give Up Work-Life Balance in Order to “Work Like Hell”

(p. B4) Eric Schmidt, ex-CEO and executive chairman at Google, walked back remarks in which he said his former company was losing the artificial intelligence race because of its remote-work policies.

. . .

“Google decided that work-life balance and going home early and working from home was more important than winning,” Schmidt said at Stanford. “The reason startups work is because the people work like hell.”

For the full story see:

Joseph De Avila. “Ex-CEO Criticizes Google, Retracts It.” The Wall Street Journal (Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024): B4.

(Note: ellipsis added.)

(Note: the online version of the story was updated Aug. 14, 2024, and has the title “Eric Schmidt Walks Back Claim Google Is Behind on AI Because of Remote Work.”)

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