Federal Government Creates Perverse Incentives for Medical Insurers to Harvest Diagnoses for Untreated Maladies in the So-Called Medical “Advantage” Program

Notice that the federal government has set up the incentives of the Medicare Advantage program so that insurers will receive benefits, but no costs, for diagnosing patients with certain conditions, that the patients have not asked them to treat. The nurse home visits aimed at harvesting diagnoses, do not benefit patients, but instead waste patients’ time and taxpayers’ money. Is UnitedHealth Group the most despicable organization for shamelessly exploiting the perverse incentives, or is the federal government the most despicable organization for creating the perverse incentives?

(p. A3) Millions of times each year, insurers send nurses into the homes of Medicare recipients to look them over, run tests and ask dozens of questions.

The nurses aren’t there to treat anyone. They are gathering new diagnoses that entitle private Medicare Advantage insurers to collect extra money from the federal government.

A Wall Street Journal investigation of insurer home visits found the companies pushed nurses to run screening tests and add unusual diagnoses, turning the roughly hourlong stops in patients’ homes into an extra $1,818 per visit, on average, from 2019 to 2021. Those payments added up to about $15 billion during that period, according (p. A9) to a Journal analysis of Medicare data.

Nurse practitioner Shelley Manke, who used to work for the HouseCalls unit of UnitedHealth Group, was part of that small army making home visits. She made a half-dozen or so visits a day, she said in a recent interview.

Part of her routine, she said, was to warm up the big toes of her patients and use a portable testing device to measure how well blood was flowing to their extremities. The insurers were checking for cases of peripheral artery disease, a narrowing of blood vessels. Each new case entitled them to collect an extra $2,500 or so a year at that time.

But Manke didn’t trust the device. She had tried it on herself and had gotten an array of results. When she and other nurses raised concerns with managers, she said, they were told the company believed that data supported the tests and that they needed to keep using the device.

“It made me cringe,” said Manke, who stopped working for HouseCalls in 2022. “I didn’t think the diagnosis should come from us, period, because I didn’t feel we had an adequate test.”

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Last month, the Journal reported that insurers received nearly $50 billion in payments from 2019 to 2021 due to diagnoses they added themselves for conditions that no doctor or hospital treated. Many of the insurer-driven diagnoses were outright wrong or highly questionable, the Journal found.

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In the Medicare Advantage system—conceived as a lower-cost alternative to traditional Medicare—private insurers get paid a lump sum to provide health benefits to about half of the 67 million seniors and disabled people in the federal program. The payments go up when people have certain diseases, giving insurers an incentive to diagnose those conditions.

To find out how insurers use home visits to add diagnoses, the Journal interviewed nurses, patients, home-visit managers and industry executives and reviewed hundreds of pages of internal documents from home-visit companies. They described a system that used nurses, software and audits to generate diagnoses.

“They do the job with a purpose, and it pays off for the Medicare Advantage plans,” said Francois de Brantes, a former executive at Signify Health, a company that does home visits for insurers. “Identifying the diagnoses, that’s the job.”

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Secondary hyperaldosteronism, a condition in which levels of the hormone aldosterone rise, is rarely diagnosed in traditional Medicare patients. HouseCalls documents show that its software would suggest the diagnosis if a patient had a history of heart failure or cirrhosis, and either took certain drugs, such as diuretics, or had swelling due to fluid retention. Nurses weren’t required to confirm the diagnosis with a lab test.

“In a million years, I wouldn’t have come up with a diagnosis of secondary hyperaldosteronism,” said Bell, the former HouseCalls nurse.

UnitedHealth diagnosed it 246,000 times after home visits, leading to $450 million in payments over the three years of the Journal’s analysis. All other Medicare insurers combined collected $42 million from making that diagnosis after home visits.

For the full story see:

Anna Wilde Mathews, Christopher Weaver, Tom McGinty and Mark Maremont. “Nurse Visits Made Insurers $15 Billion.” The Wall Street Journal (Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024): A1 & A9.

(Note: ellipses added.)

(Note: the online version of the story has the date August 4, 2024, and has the title “The One-Hour Nurse Visits That Let Insurers Collect $15 Billion From Medicare.”)

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