“The Tech Industry’s Innovation Engine Is in Idle”

(p. B10) . . . , the tech industry’s innovation engine is in idle. The annual Mobile World Congress here — traditionally a place to introduce products that blend computer and phone functions in novel ways — has featured tweaks on existing designs.

“It’s like with evolution, where you have a mutation and then a great explosion of diversity,” said Scott A. McGregor, the chief executive of Broadcom, which makes chips that go into a wide range of consumer electronics. “Then, you have a period where you see which creatures can survive the big change.”

For the full story, see:
ASHLEE VANCE. “At Tech Conference, the Industry Tweaks and Bets on Survivors.” The New York Times (Thur., February 18, 2010): B10.
(Note: ellipsis added.)
(Note: the online version of the article is dated February 17, 2010 and has the title “Tech Industry Catches Its Breath.”)

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