Thanks to DDT Ban and Recycling: Bedbugs Are Back

Bedbug.jpg Image source:

(p. 1) . . . bedbugs, stealthy and fast-moving nocturnal creatures that were all but eradicated by DDT after World War II, have recently been found in hospital maternity wards, private schools and even a plastic surgeon’s waiting room.
Bedbugs are back and spreading through New York City like a swarm of locusts on a lush field of wheat.
. . .
In the bedbug resurgence, entomologists and exterminators blame increased immigration from the developing world, the advent of cheap international travel and the recent banning of powerful pesticides. Other culprits include the recycled mattress industry and those thrifty New Yorkers who revel in the discovery of a free sofa on the sidewalk.

For the full story, see:
ANDREW JACOBS . “Just Try to Sleep Tight. The Bedbugs Are Back.” The New York Times Section 1 (Sun., November 27, 2005): 1 & 31.
(Note: ellipses added.)

4 thoughts on “Thanks to DDT Ban and Recycling: Bedbugs Are Back”

  1. Yeah… bugs are gross, so the obvious solution is to bring back one of the most environmentally destructive pesticides ever known… that way we won’t have bed bugs or eagles!

  2. Research can now be done leisurely thanks to the internet, yet some insist on continuing to speak (electronically in this instance) from an uninformed position. A simple google search will lead one to learn the demagogic attack on ddt was at least overblown, if not an outright lie and the reason millions of Africans (and others) died needlessly. Why there continues to be people who jump anytime someone shouts “wolf” is unexplainable with the wealth of information we have readily available to us.

  3. “…some insist on continuing to speak (electronically in this instance) from an uninformed position”
    Uh… no. This is a late response, but my position is far from uninformed. Calling the ban on ddt a “demagogic attack” sounds like rhetoric to me… but what do I know? I’m one of those crazy environmentalists who actually pays attention to scientific method.
    I do care deeply about the millions of people who are affected by mosquito-born diseases and parasites. However, I think widespread usage of dangerous pesticides that enter our environment and DON’T BREAK DOWN is terrible overkill. It seems to betray a lack of creativity; there are better solutions (at least safer pesticides) out there.
    As far as bed bugs go… deal with it. They don’t carry diseases, and they’re not dangerous… it’s just not a big deal.

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